
Zach Durr ’18 placed first in the 3D category at the 18th Annual Deborah Heart Challenge and Art Competition on February 28. His winning piece, a handmade natural black walnut box with a sliding dove-tail top, was titled “All Boxed Up.” Zach is pictured in Stokes Lobby with his concrete/wood bench, another piece he created in the fall. 

“For the box, I was inspired when I saw this video of someone making a box with a dove-tail, so I created my own design based on that idea,” said Zach. “I found the natural black walnut board in the woodshop, and the piece lent itself to being a decorative item.”

Zach worked on his 3D piece during class time in Art Teacher Michael Webster’s Advanced Furniture Design course. In the advanced elective, students have the ability to build whatever they can imagine as long as it is approved by Mr. Webster.

“I became more serious about woodworking at the end of eighth grade, and now it’s one of my passions,” said Zach. “I really like to physically create things. I have a workshop at home, too, so I can work on school projects or other designs in my free time.”

With the encouragement of Mr. Webster, Zach is planning to build a portfolio of his 3D work and potentially sell some of his pieces in the future.