
Jalen Patel ’20 Wins Excellence in Science Award from Delaware Valley Science Council

Jan 13, 2020

Jalen Patel ’20 has received an Excellence in Science Award from the Delaware Valley Science Council (DVSC). Jalen advanced through several stages of the DVSC’s annual Awards Program, including a finalist interview on October 19; his award includes a $300 prize. The winners were announced on December 23.

From the DVSC:

“The DVSC works towards ensuring a scientifically literate and talented workforce for tomorrow’s needs in Delaware Valley business, education and government. The Council partners with schools, businesses, professional societies, and community volunteers to identify, encourage, and recognize talented youth in the Delaware Valley with outstanding capabilities in STEM disciplines.

“Nominated students from area schools complete and submit an application questionnaire describing their science interests, activities and experiences. These applications are reviewed and evaluated by professional members of the DVSC. Finalists are chosen to be interviewed by teams of area scientists. Combined interview results are used to allocate cash awards to be used specifically in furthering their science education.”

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