
Investigating Biological Life Cycles in Kindergarten Butterfly Study

In Kindergarten, students in Ms. Barber’s and Ms. Bowditch’s classes investigate different types of insects and their characteristics. As part of the Kindergarten Butterfly Study, they explore the life cycle of insects by observing the changes that occur as a caterpillar grows and develops. The students learn about the stages of the life cycle as the caterpillar turns into a chrysalis and then emerges as a butterfly. The students write down their observations in a special journal and learn what it means to be a scientist. At the end of the Kindergarten Butterfly Study unit, the classes release the butterflies as a concluding celebration.

During this time, the kindergarteners also study the author Eric Carle and read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Eric Carle wrote many fiction books about insects and animals that are stories inspired by factual information. These stories are read in conjunction with the Kindergarten Butterfly Study. The students participate in a variety of art activities and other fun games to learn more about Eric Carle.

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