
On Tuesday, November 27, Moorestown Friends School will hold a special screening of the documentary Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders, and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion led by Dr. Jerry Bubrick.

From Angst production company IndieFlix:

“Producers Scilla Andreen and Karin Gornick have one goal: to start a global conversation and raise awareness around anxiety. Through candid interviews, they utilize the power of film to tell the stories of many kids and teens who discuss their anxiety and its impacts on their lives and relationships, as well as how they’ve found solutions and hope. The film also includes a special interview with Michael Phelps, a mental health advocate and one of the greatest athletes of all-time. In addition, the documentary provides discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects, along with the help, resources, and tools available to address the condition.”

Space is limited! The screening will be held in the Moorestown Friends School Auditorium at 7 p.m.

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Questions? Please contact Director of Parent and Alumni Programs, Suzanne Abrams, at (856) 914-4416 or sabrams@mfriends.org.