
Fourth Grade Students Enjoy Visit from “British Soldier”

Jan 12, 2021

Prior to Winter Break, fourth graders in Sarah Rotter’s class enjoyed a visit from a “British soldier” as part of their study of the American Revolution. Parent Chad Henneberry explained to students what life was like for a British soldier during the war and answered questions. He reenacts as part of a non-profit organization called Muskets of the Crown, dedicated to preserving the life of the 18th century British soldier in North America. 

“I have been with the group for the past eight years,” said Chad. “We portray a Light Infantry company of the 84th Royal Highland Regiment of Foot, Second Battalion.” Muskets of the Crown is centered on the East Coast and participates in reenactment battles and living history events throughout the year that relate to the American Revolution and 18th century life. 

“Chad’s perspective supported our class conversations about being aware of others and how one situation can be experienced very differently by different people,” said Mrs. Rotter.

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