
Middle School Advisories Bond Through Banner Creation

Feb 23, 2023

Each year, Middle School advisory groups create unique banners as a bonding experience. Starting with a blank 36” by 36” felt banner, the students work together to decide a theme for the banner based on the individual and collective makeup of the group. Crafting a design that represents each individual, including the faculty advisor, creates an opportunity to not only be creative, but get to know each other and complete a complex task as a team. 

Middle School Dean of Students William “Bee” Stribling provided background on the project: “Every year advisories think about what it means to be in a community. This leads to discussions of what represents all of us, and what can we all agree on?” he said. 

Once finished, each advisory shares their banner at a Middle School assembly before the banners are hung in the Dining Hall Commons for a period of time; students will then re-hang them in the Middle School hallway alongside the previous year’s banners.

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