
Second grade students recently concluded their unit on Quakerism by serving as docents at their own “Let Your Life Speak” museum. During the unit, students learned about the six Quaker testimonies and what role they play in people’s lives. They welcomed other Lower School students and family members to their museum.

Students explored how people in the past have let their lives speak using the Quaker testimonies. For example, Quakers played a major role in the abolitionist movement, and students learned a great deal about the Underground Railroad.  A field trip to the Johnson House Historic Site, Philadelphia’s only accessible and intact stop on the Underground Railroad, was helpful in providing context for students. The museum displayed photos and information about many famous Friends, including women’s suffrage movement leader Alice Paul (MFS Class of 1901).

Students also delved into how current Quakers are currently letting their lives speak.  They welcomed a number of guests to the classroom including Head of School Larry Van Meter ’68.

Finally, students pondered, discussed, and displayed how in the future they could let their own lives speak.  


[wc_button type=”primary” url=”https://mfs.smugmug.com/Lower-School/Grade-2-Let-Your-Life-Speak/” title=”Visit Site” target=”self” position=”float”]View photos  from the Let Your Life Speak museum.[/wc_button]